Digital Main St

ShopHERE powered by Google

How a marketing program created jobs and supported small businesses.

Assisted Selling & Training

Assisted Selling & Training

ShopHERE powered by Google

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, small businesses were faced with unprecedented challenges, one of which was converting brick and mortar operations to ecommerce. Our client, Digital Main Street partnered with Google, Facebook, MasterCard, Shopify and more to focus on how they could support small businesses.

Through pairing students and recent grads with small business owners, we helped Digital Main Street provide the right tools and resources to get businesses online and achieve digital transformation. Introducing ShopHERE powered by Google: a program that provides independent small businesses with a quick, easy and no-cost way to get selling online right away.

We worked closely with Digital Main Street to help scale the initiative with a goal of helping 50,000 small businesses online. We implemented a diversity and inclusion hiring strategy, training over 500 students and recent grads as resources for small business owners to help them get their business online and maintain growth.

Digital Main St Phones
Digital Main St Laptop
Digital Main St Grid